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Profitez de coupon pour le site XTOOL. Code promo pour le site XTOOL

Liste COUPON XTOOL Disponible pour le Black Friday :

𝑻𝒊𝒑 1: 𝑵𝒆𝒘𝒃𝒊𝒆 𝑬𝒙𝒄𝒍𝒖𝒔𝒊𝒗𝒆: Apply [𝑵𝑬𝑾80] at checkout for $80 off purchases over $999.

𝑻𝒊𝒑 2: 𝑨𝒑𝒑𝒍𝒚 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝑻𝒓𝒂𝒅𝒆-𝑼𝒑 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑮𝒆𝒕 𝑹𝒆𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒅: Trade in your old machine for $100 to $500 off your next xTool purchase.

𝑻𝒊𝒑 3: 𝑯𝒐𝒍𝒊𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒂𝒍𝒔 𝑺𝒂𝒍𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒐𝒏[𝑼𝑺 𝑶𝑵𝑳𝒀]Every November Weekend【Second Round: Nov. 22-Nov. 24. Buy 2 Get 1 Free!】+ Up to 40% off materials.👉

$80 off $999, (CODE: XTCUT80)
$150 off $1699, (CODE: XTCUT150)
$200 off $2299, (CODE: XTCUT200)
$250 off $2999, (CODE: XTCUT250)
$800 off $7999, (CODE: XTCUT800)

What Are We Trying to Solve?

There are numerous companies in the world that are trying to satisfy different needs of humans. xTool is trying to satisfy people’s needs for creation. That’s why we commit ourselves to making creation easier for every individual.

handmade craft

Creativity is what distinguishes human beings from other creatures. We believe every individual has the intention to create. That’s why there are so many powerful and handy tools with easy access and systematic tutorials. But the fact is, the tools for creation have not evolved ever since people began to use knives and scissors hundreds of years ago.

So we xTool are trying to create engraving and cutting tools to replace the much less powerful knives and scissors, by making the most of laser and software technology. These tools totally facilitate creation, and make it more enjoyable than ever.

physical world

By providing facilitating tools, software, materials and tutorials,
xTool is trying to make creation easier, expanding the boundary of creation, inspiring creative ideas, and increasing the fun of creation.

Digital World and Physical World

The past few decades have witnessed the booming of digital technologies. With easy-to-use software, everyone can become a creator in the digital world and bring their creativity into full play, making exquisite images and videos, building up 3D models and a pranking website, or even developing a mobile app that changes the world.

digital world
smart phone

That said, overwhelming digital technologies do not go on as people have expected. As it turned out, many people have been so addicted to those digital creations (social apps and streaming platforms for instance) that most of their time has been wasted on meaningless engagement. To make it worse, digital currencies, NFT, metaverse, and other such digital creations (or concepts), though not showing any values to the world for now, have been taken advantage of by many for evil purposes.

But in the physical world, due to the absence of powerful and easy tools, physical creation is a way more difficult task, especially for individuals and families. In this context, laser cutting machines and 3D printers are starting to play their roles and make physical creation simpler than before. That’s why we focus on designing and producing laser and blade cutting machines.

physical world

Our Story

Our story started in 2012, with an idea of Jasen Wang, our founder and CEO. An enthusiastic maker himself, Jasen found that turning an idea into reality is not easy. While he was trying to find a solution to this, that’s when his first project, Makeblock, came into being. 

Makeblock focuses its business on STEAM education. To help underaged students improve their creativity, it is dedicated to building up educational infrastructures by making robotic modules, coding software and laser cutters for educational purposes. 

By the end of 2020, Makeblock switched to laser machine business, still working on the solutions for creation. But this time, not only students will benefit from our products. 

Creation is not only about making a coding robot. It can also be printing your daughter’s name on a mug, or engraving a delicate picture on a piece of wood for wall hanging. That’s how Jasen’s next project, xTool, and the first xTool product, xTool D1, came out in 2021. 

Till today, through the whole story, we still have a lot to tell in Chapter Mackblock; And for Chapter xTool, a brand-new episode is just getting started…

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