Score du Deal+1
2209,58 € 2299,99 € ACHETER SUR TRONXY
Score du Deal+1
2209,58 € 2299,99 € ACHETER SUR TRONXY

Tronxy 3D VEHO-800-2E Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm Imprimante 3D grand format, double extrudeur

VEHO-800 Large Direct Drive 3D Printer 800*800*800mm

  • 320c High temp Hotend Direct Drive Extrusion Printer head
  • Silicone heating bed + Tempered glass panel + Insulation cotton
  • PEI magnetic sticker optional, smooth and easy to take model
  • Z axis Ball Lead Screw Rod
  • X Y Z axis all use OSG15 Guide rails
  • Lower Noise Mute Motherboard, TMC2209 Driver
  • 8-Languages Support and Multiple connection
  • Manual adjustment nut for belts


VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm

€2.180,447VEHO-800VEHO-800-2EVEHO-800 PEIVEHO-800-2E PEIVEHO-800 2.85MMVEHO-800-12VEHO-800 2.85MM PEIVEHO-800-12 PEIVEHO-800-12 2EVEHO-800-12 2E PEIPEI800 +  Magnetic StickerCzech(To EU Country Only)United State(To US Only)China to AsiaChina By SeaChina By AirChinaADD TO CARTDescriptionDetailsFeatures

VEHO-800 Large Direct Drive 3D Printer 800*800*800mm

  • 320c High temp Hotend Direct Drive Extrusion Printer head
  • Silicone heating bed + Tempered glass panel + Insulation cotton
  • PEI magnetic sticker optional, smooth and easy to take model
  • Z axis Ball Lead Screw Rod
  • X Y Z axis all use OSG15 Guide rails
  • Lower Noise Mute Motherboard, TMC2209 Driver
  • 8-Languages Support and Multiple connection
  • Manual adjustment nut for belts
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm

VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Large Direct Drive 3D Printer 800*800*800mm - Tronxy 3D Printers Official Store
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Large Direct Drive 3D Printer 800*800*800mm - Tronxy 3D Printers Official Store
VEHO-800 Large Direct Drive 3D Printer 800*800*800mm - Tronxy 3D Printers Official Store
VEHO-800 Large Direct Drive 3D Printer 800*800*800mm - Tronxy 3D Printers Official Store
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Large Direct Drive 3D Printer 800*800*800mm - Tronxy 3D Printers Official Store
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Large Direct Drive 3D Printer 800*800*800mm - Tronxy 3D Printers Official Store
VEHO-800 Large Direct Drive 3D Printer 800*800*800mm - Tronxy 3D Printers Official Store
VEHO-800 Large Direct Drive 3D Printer 800*800*800mm - Tronxy 3D Printers Official Store
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm
VEHO-800 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D printer 800*800*800mm


VEHO-1000 Direct Drive 3D Printer Large 3D Printer 1000*1000*1000mm

€2.969,12VEHO-1000VEHO-1000 2.85MMVEHO-1000-2EVEHO-1000-12PEI1000 + Magnetic sticker (Optional)China By SeaChina By Airwith VEHO-1000ADD TO CARTDescriptionDetailsFeatures

VEHO-1000 Large Direct Drive 3D Printer 1000*1000*1000mm

  • 2.85mm High Temperature Heating Component Direcet Drive Extrusion is optional
  • 320℃  High temp Hotend Direct Drive Extrusion Printer head
  • High temp Hotend Direct Drive Extrusion Printer head
  • Silicone heating bed + Tempered glass panel + Insulation cotton
  • PEI magnetic sticker optional, smooth and easy to take model
  • 4 set of Independent Z axis Ball Lead Screw Rod
  • X Y Z axis all use OSG15 Guide rails
  • External High-power Independent Driver DM542
  • 8-Languages Support and Multiple connection
  • Manual adjustment nut…
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