Voron 2.4 Imprimante 3D CoreXY

783,61 € 980,00 € ACHETER SUR ALIEXPRESS
Voron 2.4 – imprimante 3D, CoreXY, 2.4 V2.4, 350x350x350mm, haute qualité, Kit complet pour montage de l'imprimante 3D.

Voron 2.4 – imprimante 3D, CoreXY, 2.4 V2.4, 350x350x350mm, haute qualité, Kit complet pour montage de l'imprimante 3D.

Voron 2.4 – imprimante 3D, CoreXY, 2.4 V2.4, 350x350x350mm, haute qualité, Kit complet pour montage de l’imprimante 3D.

Voron 2.4 350x350x350mm CoreXY Kit d’imprimante 3D de haute qualité

Merci à l’équipe Voron pour son imprimante 3D de haute qualité

Le lien de cette impression est l’impression d’installation de voron2.4 XY axe interrupteur de fin de course PCB carte intégrée


Remarque: l’élément filtrant en carbone est placé dans la boîte CD, le schéma de données du moteur est présenté sur la figure, la carte mère Raspberry Pi n’a pas de radiateur, et le rail de guidage est sa propre marque de haute qualité, merci

Voron 2.4 350x350x350mm CoreXY High Quality 3D Printer Kit

Thanks to the Voron team for their high quality 3D printer

The link of this printout is installation printout of voron2.4 XY axis limit switch PCB integrated board


Note: The carbon filter element is placed in the CD box, the motor data diagram is shown in the figure, the Raspberry Pi motherboard does not have a heatsink, and the guide rail is its own brand of high quality, thank you

list kit
kit parts
Voron 2.4 kit
Voron 2.4 3D printer
linear quide
printing size
Voron 2.4 structure
Voron 2.4 Screen
Voron 2.4 extruder
Voron 2.4 package
Voron 2.4 packaging
Voron 2.4 motor data sheet
Voron 2.4 motor datasheet
Voron 2.4 pièces imprimées

The original goal of the VORON project, back in 2015, was to create a no-compromise 3D printer that was fun to assemble and a joy to use. It had to be quiet, clean, pretty, and continue to operate 24 hours a day without requiring constant fiddling. In short a true home micro-manufacturing machine without a hefty price tag. It took over a year in development, with every part being redesigned, stress tested and optimized. Shortly after the release a vibrant community formed around the project and continues to grow today. This community is part of what makes VORON such a special experience.

What was once a one-person operation has grown into a small tight-knit group of engineers united under a common design ethos. We’re dedicated to creating production-quality printers you can assemble in your kitchen. It’s this passion and dedication that drive us to push the boundaries just a little further. We build space shuttles with gardening tools so anyone can have a space shuttle of their own.Welcome to VORON Design

Voron 2.4 Imprimante 3D CoreXY
Voron 2.4 Imprimante 3D CoreXY
783,61 € 980,00 €
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