ExpiréStarter Kit Arduino Uno Uniroi

16,14 € 18,99 € ACHETER SUR AMAZON
UNIROI Starter Kit with Free Tutorials, R3 Board, Breadboard, Sensor, USB Cable, Display, Resistors, Jumper Wires and Dupont Wires

UNIROI Starter Kit with Free Tutorials, R3 Board, Breadboard, Sensor, USB Cable, Display, Resistors, Jumper Wires and Dupont Wires

UNIROI Starter Kit with Free Tutorials, R3 Board, Breadboard, Sensor, USB Cable, Display, Resistors, Jumper Wires and Dupont Wires

  • Free Tutorials: This listing is include detailed tutorials and data sheet, you can provide own tutorials to teach.
  • Updated R3 Board: 100% compatible with official version kit. Based on ATMega328 chip for controlling and features faster transfer rates and more memory with ATMega16U2 chip instead of ATMega8U2.
  • 400 Points Breadboard: 400 points breadboard with 2 power rails, can be spliced with one more breadboard.
  • Total 147 Items: This Starter kit has enough components to make basic kit project, such as R3 board, 1 digit 7-segment display, button (small), jumper wire, resistor color card and so on. (please add resistors when using LED to avoid over current.)
  • Warranty: 1 year warranty is supplied. Any question or suggestion, please feel free to contact us by Email.
Starter Kit Arduino Uno Uniroi
Starter Kit Arduino Uno Uniroi
Starter Kit Arduino Uno Uniroi
16,14 € 18,99 €
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