
Raspberry PI RP2040-Zero Microcontroller Development Board PICO Motherboard Dual Core Processor Mini Microcontroller

Raspberry PI RP2040-Zero Microcontroller Development Board PICO Motherboard Dual Core Processor Mini Microcontroller

Raspberry PI RP2040-Zero Microcontroller Development Board PICO Motherboard Dual Core Processor Mini Microcontroller

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Caractéristiques RP2040-Zero

The RP2040 microcontroller chip is designed by Raspberry Pi

It is powered by a dual-core ARM Cortex M0+ processor and runs at up to 133MHz flexible clock

It comes with 264KB of SRAM and 2MB of on-chip Flash

Real stamp hole design, can be directly welded into the self-designed base plate

USB1.1 host and device support

Supports low power sleep and hibernation modes

Can be identified by USB as mass storage for support type download program

29 GPI0 pins of RP2040 (20 can be led by row pins, the rest can only be led by welding)

2 SPIs, 2 12Cs, 2 UART, 4 12-bit ADC, 16 controllable PWM channels

Accurate on-chip clock and timer

Temperature sensor

On-chip accelerated floating point library

Eight programmable I/0 (PI0) state machines for custom peripheral support

Le forfait comprend :

1 x Development Board

Option: With pin/No pin to choose

9,23 € 19,99 €
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