MINGDA Rock 3 Pro

397,47 € 527,47 € ACHETER SUR MINGDA
MINGDA Rock 3 Pro Imprimante 3D 2021 95% pré-assemblée avec plateau en verre, extrudeuse directe légère et rapide Dual Z TMC2208 Impression silencieuse, 320 x 320 x 400 mm, peut être ajoutée

MINGDA Rock 3 Pro Imprimante 3D 2021 95% pré-assemblée avec plateau en verre, extrudeuse directe légère et rapide Dual Z TMC2208 Impression silencieuse, 320 x 320 x 400 mm, peut être ajoutée

MINGDA Rock 3 Pro Imprimante 3D 2021 95% pré-assemblée avec plateau en verre, extrudeuse directe légère et rapide Dual Z TMC2208 Impression silencieuse, 320 x 320 x 400 mm, peut être ajoutée

À propos de cet article

  • Extrudeuse entièrement mise à niveau : Mongda Rock 3pro adopte une nouvelle tête d’impression améliorée, qui combine le design intégré de l’extrémité chaude et l’extrudeuse pour plus de scientification et d’efficacité. L’extrudeuse à entraînement direct à double engrenage est plus légère que l’extrudeuse traditionnelle. Tant le tube en téflon que la buse sont équipés d’un ventilateur, facile à dissiper la chaleur.
  • Contrôle précis Babystep : fonction de contrôle Babystep intégrée, vous pouvez contrôler avec précision la distance de couche à travers le babystep sur l’écran pour obtenir une impression plus fine. Le firmware a été mis à jour pour une impression facile et stable.
  • Carte mère silencieuse avec TMC2208 : identique à toutes les imprimantes 3D MINGDA, Rock 3pro intégré 5 groupes TMC2208 sur la carte mère MINGDA auto-développée, vous n’entendrez pas les bruits gênants lors de l’impression.
  • 【Double axe Z amélioré】 La tige de vis à double plomb de l’axe Z ajoute une courroie synchrone, de sorte que les tiges de vis sont tournées de manière synchronisée et restent toujours à la même hauteur. En outre, la tige de vis à axe Z est équipée d’un ressort anti-contre-lash, ce qui peut éliminer les contrecoup axiaux et améliorer la précision d’impression.
  • Tendeur de courroie sur axe X et Y : équipé d’un ajusteur de tension de courroie sur l’axe X et Y, vous pouvez facilement régler la tension de la courroie à la position appropriée. Garantie d’un an et assistance technique à vie. Veuillez vous joindre à notre communauté d’utilisateurs sur Facebook.

Spécifications pour ce produit
Nom de la marqueMINGDA
Nombre d’articles1
Numéro de la pièceR3P
Numéro de modèleRock 3 Pro
Poids de l’article16.0 kilogrammes
Puissance350.00 watts
TailleRock 3 Pro

Product Description

MINGDA Rock3 Pro FDM 3D Printer

The advanced technology of direct drive extrusion with better compatibility helps you achieve complete and perfect printing. Instead of the general building board, we use the glass ultrabase plate, which offers better adhesion without additional glue.

[Fully Improved Extruder System] MINGDA Rock3 PRO uses the Direct Drive Extruder, combines the E3D V6 Hotend, more scientifically and efficiently. The print speed of dual-gear design is faster than conventional extruders. Both the Teflon tube and the nozzle are equipped with a fan to achieve a better cooling effect.
[Precise baby step control] With the integrated baby step control function, you can precisely control the level distance through the baby step on the screen to achieve a finer pressure. The firmware has been updated for easy and stable printing.
[Silent Motherboard with TMC2208] Rock 3 Pro integrated 5 groups TMC2208 chips on the motherboard developed by MINGDA. When printing, you don’t hear any annoying noise.
[Upgraded Double Z Axis] The double guide screw of the Z-axis adds a synchronous strap so that the screw rods are rotated synchronously and always stay at the same height. In addition, the Z-axis screw rod is equipped with a play-free spring that can eliminate axial play and improve pressure accuracy.
[Belt tensioner on the X and Y axis] Equipped with a belt tension regulator on the X and Y axis, you can easily adjust the belt tension to the appropriate position. To improve print quality



 Technical Specifications
●Molding Technology : FDM
●Layer Thickness : 0.1-0.4mm
●XY Position Precision : 0.01mm
●Print Size : 320*320*400mm
●Print Resolution : ±0.1mm
●Input Rating : 110V/220V AC 50/60Hz
●Output Votage : 24V
●Operation : 3.5in Color Touch Screen
●Print Mode : SD Card/U Disk
●Nozzle Diameter : 0.4 mm/1.75mm
●Print Speed : 20-100mm/s (suggested 60mm/s)
●Materials : PLA , TPU , ABS, HIPS, PETG, Wood
●Operating Temp : 8°C-40°C
●Operational Extruder Temp : Max 260°C
●Operational Print Bed Temp : Max 110°C
●Software Input Formats : .STL, .OBJ, .DAE, .AMF
●Software Output Formats : Gcode
●Slicer Software : Cura, Smplify3D, Repetier-HOST


MINGDA Rock 3 Pro with 5 groups TMC2208 on the motherboard to control the 5 stepper motors on X-axis, Y-axis, double Z-axis and extruder.
When the printer is working and the axis moving, it does not cause any noise. Therefore, print quietly.

Filament runout detection
MINGDA Rock 3 Pro has updated the filament run out detector.
When the filament runs out or breaks, the detector emits an alarm and stops printing.
The detetor rotates 360 degrees and follows the direction of the pressure, which can effectively reduce the resistance.

Continue printing function
For Big size 3d printer, MINGDA Rock 3 Pro can continue printing from the last recorded extruder position after unexpected power outages, to avoid re-printing and save time and filament.

MINGDA Rock 3 Pro new user-friendly technology highlights: Babystep for more precision printing
Rock 3 Pro new has an integrated baby step.
Babystep is a function that allows you to adjust the distance between the nozzle and the construction plate when printing.
If the nozzle is too far from the platform, the leaking layer cannot stick to the platform. If the nozzle is too close to the platform, the leaking layers are flattened.
With the Baybystep function, you can touch the icon on the display to control it yourself, so you can effectively improve printing accuracy.

Belt tensioner on X and Y axis
Equipped with a belt tension regulator on the X and Y axis.
The drive belt can detach during prolonged use. If the belt loosens, this will affect the pressure accuracy.
We are specially equipped with a belt tension regulator on the X and Y axis. If you find that the belt is loose, you can adjust this tensioner to a suitable tension, make sure the printer prints properly and print a beautiful model.

Make sure you have the cable connected correctly.
For more information, please refer to the user manual and the video on Youtube.
1. Install the portal on the base.
2. Install the extruder.
3. Install the hanger (filament holder).
Make sure you have the cable connected correctly.

Safe and stable power supply
With integrated 360 W power supply inside. Rock 3 Pro can be heated to 50°C in 0.5 minutes. Heats up to 110°C in 3 minutes and keeps it stable to meet the processing requirements of different filament materials.

Tidy and secure cable
You may find some printers where measuring cables are connected to the extruder. Some cables are only covered with nylon mesh and very soft. Sometimes this may affect the printing process.
Rock 3Pro upgrade of the cable, the cable was covered with PVC cover, never dirty, tidy and safe.

Lattice glass platform for printing
Comes with a cot glass bed for printing, easy to remove models

3.5 inch colourful touch screen
Equipped with a colourful 3.5 inch touch screen for operation, easy to use.
Say goodbye to these non-touchable LCD screen printers.

Limit switch
Equipped with limit switches on X, Y and Z axis, safe to print

Larger build volume
The MINGDA Rock 3 Pro has a large volume of 12.6 x 12.6 x 15.75 inches.
Since the filament detector is located above the portal, the model is not prevented. You can print models up to 400mm in height.
You can print models with a size of up to 320 x 320 x 400 mm.
MINGDA Rock 3 Pro
MINGDA Rock 3 Pro
397,47 € 527,47 €
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