Inslogic High Detail Resin

26,63 € 29,99 € ACHETER SUR INSLOGIC
Résine pour imprimante 3D Inslogic High Detail Resin. 1kg

Résine pour imprimante 3D Inslogic High Detail Resin. 1kg

Résine pour imprimante 3D Inslogic High Detail Resin. 1kg

Bring your ideas and model designs to life with ultra-fine Inslogic High Detail Resin. Its ability to capture astonishing detail makes it ideal for ultra-high-resolution prototypes, miniatures, complex models, sculptures, creative products, and intricate designs. It is tailored for printers of 8K and above, and it works perfectly with 14K resin printers.

High Detail Resin exhibits excellent dimensional stability and low shrinkage, providing you with consistentrobust, and refined results. Printed parts have a smooth matte surface finish, serving as an excellent base for painting, sanding, or undergoing other finishing processes, ultimately offering aesthetically pleasing results.

With our unique formula, High Detail Resin is a low-odor and easy-to-use resin, simplifying your post-processing process.

Compatible with DLP, SLA, and LCD 3D printers in the range of 385-405 nm. 

Notice: Resin bottle label and color name have been optimized. Bottles with either label will be shipped randomly.

Inslogic High Detail Resin
Inslogic High Detail Resin
Inslogic High Detail Resin
Inslogic High Detail Resin
Inslogic High Detail Resin
Inslogic High Detail Resin
Inslogic High Detail Resin
26,63 € 29,99 €
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